When you find out you're pregnant

How you might feel when you find out you're pregnant, plus links to taking a pregnancy test and early signs and symptoms.

It's important to see a midwife as early as possible to get the antenatal (pregnancy) care and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy.

You can refer yourself for NHS pregnancy care so you can start your antenatal care with a midwife. This is usually done with an online form. If you cannot refer yourself online, the websites of local NHS trusts can tell you how to contact maternity services near you.

You do not need to tell a GP you're pregnant unless you're taking medicine or have a long-term health condition. If you're registered with a GP, they'll be told about your pregnancy after your first midwife appointment.

Your first midwife appointment should happen before you're 10 weeks pregnant. If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant, you should still refer yourself to start your pregnancy care as soon as possible.

Your pregnancy can be treated confidentially, even if you're under 16. A GP or midwife can tell you about your choices for antenatal care in your local area. Being pregnant may affect the treatment of any current illness or conditions you have or later develop.

Find out about health things you should know in pregnancy, including taking folic acid.

Knowing that you're pregnant

When you find out you're pregnant, you may feel happy and excited, or shocked, confused and upset. Everybody is different.

Some of this may be caused by changes in your hormone levels, which can make you feel more emotional.

If you're feeling anxious or worried it will help to talk to someone. Read about mental health in pregnancy.

However you're feeling, contact an NHS professional (such as a midwife, GP or practice nurse) so you can start getting antenatal care. This is the care that you'll receive leading up to the birth of your baby.

Find out about your schedule of antenatal appointments.


Partners may also have mixed feelings when they find out you're pregnant. They may find it hard to talk about their feelings because they do not want to upset you. Both of you should encourage each other to talk about your feelings and any worries or concerns.

Telling people that you're pregnant

You may want to tell your family and friends that you're pregnant immediately or wait a while until you know how you feel. Or you may want to wait until you've had your first ultrasound scan, when you're around 12 weeks pregnant, before you tell people.

Some of your family or friends may have mixed feelings or react in unexpected ways to your news. You may wish to discuss this with a midwife.

Read about dealing with feelings and relationships in pregnancy.

Flu and pregnancy

The seasonal flu vaccine is offered if you're pregnant and at any stage of pregnancy. If you're pregnant and get flu, you're at an increased risk of complications and flu-related hospital admissions.

Find out about the flu jab and pregnancy.

Talk to a GP or midwife if you're unsure about which vaccinations you should have.

Further information

Sex during pregnancy

This video explores the myths surrounding sex during pregnancy.

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