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Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is an NHS working group: a team of service users and their families, commissioners, and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care using lived experience to contribute to transforming maternity care. There are local MNVP teams across Sussex who are championing the service user’s voice. Follow the links below to find out more about what your local MNVP is doing and how to join a meeting.
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Offers free emotional support for parents living in East Sussex who are experiencing low mood, anxiety or poor mental health during pregnancy or within the first two years of their child's birth. Self-Refer Now or to find out more email
For those suffering from moderate to severe mental health issues and have a child up to 12 months of age.
Health in Mind is the free NHS Talking Therapies Service for anyone in East Sussex experiencing these kinds of emotional or psychological difficulties.
Offer well-being sessions and have just started a regular drop-in.
East Sussex maternity debrief service, if you or your partner are struggling to process or understand your birth or experiences.
University Hospitals Sussex birth stories service, giving birthing people the opportunity to talk through their birth experience.
Ground Floor, St Marks House, Eastbourne, BN21 1EP
01323 432300
Areas Covered
Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford
Saxonwood, 1st Floor, 7 Market Square, Battle, TN33 0XB
01424 723070
Bexhill, Battle, Rother, Ticehurst, Rye
East Hastings Children’s Centre, Chiltern Drive, Hastings, TN34 3PZ
01424 726446
Hastings & St Leonards
Uckfield Children’s Centre, 1 Manor Close, Uckfield, TN22 1DL
01323 464000
High Weald, Uckfield, Crowborough, Heathfield, Lewes, Havens
Free group that supports new and experienced parents with breastfeeding. Peer supporters are available at each session and a lactation consultant who attends at least once a month.
Face-to-face and telephone support from qualified breastfeeding counsellors, including home visits and details of where group support can be accessed.
Support and information about feeding and nurturing your baby.
Providing mothers and families in West Sussex with specialist advice and support.
Infant Feeding team.
East Sussex
Help and support to start your infant feeding journey.
Bump and Beyond offer free antenatal classes to first time parents in East Sussex.
We offer a range of free antenatal education sessions for all first time parents at University Hospitals Sussex UHSx.
Your complete guide for pregnancy, labour and birth.
A caseloading team of 7 midwives dedicated to providing continuity of care to young parents!
@uhsussex based at Chichester, Worthing, Brighton and Haywards Heath.
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