You are here: Home » Latest News » Issue 27: Teenage pregnancy support
Posted: 27th February, 2025
Finding out you're pregnant when you're a teenager can be daunting, especially if the pregnancy was not planned. But help and support is available.
You may be excited about having a child, worried about telling your parents, or anxious about pregnancy and childbirth. You may also be feeling worried or frightened if you’re not sure that you want to be pregnant.
Make sure you talk through your options and think carefully before you make any decisions. Try talking to a family member, friend or someone you trust.
Whatever your age, you can also ask for confidential advice from:
If you decide to continue with your pregnancy, there are a wide range of services to support you during pregnancy and after you’ve had your baby. You can get support and advice from:
If you’re pregnant and on your own, it’s important there are people you can share your feelings with who can offer you support.
Depending on your health and where you live, you may see:
University Hospitals Sussex
East Sussex
Can I carry on with my education while I’m pregnant?
Financial Support information
Issue 27: Teenage pregnancy support
Family Lives - Support for young parents & The Mix - Essential support for under 25s
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