Labour & Birth
Every birth experience is different, there is no right way to do it. This section covers how to prepare for the birth of your baby, what happens during labour and birth and what care you will receive. If you have further questions speak to your healthcare provider as they will be happy to help.
Antenatal Classes
Find out how antenatal classes prepare you for your baby's birth and details of how to find and choose a class
More InformationPack Your Bag for Labour
Find out the essentials you need to pack in your bag ready for labour and birth, including clothes for you and the baby, towels and sanitary pads
More InformationInducing Labour
Find out about induction of labour, where the midwife or doctor starts labour artificially using a membrane sweep, pessary or hormone drip
More InformationTips for Your Birth Partner
Find out how your birth partner can help during labour, such as reminding you of relaxation techniques, massaging you and holding your hand
More InformationEpisiotomy and Perineal Tears
Find out about an episiotomy (a cut between the vagina and anus), including why it might be done during childbirth, how long it takes to heal, and how to prevent a perineal tear
More InformationWhat Complications Can Affect the Placenta
Complications that can affect the placenta during pregnancy or childbirth include low-lying placenta, retained placenta and placental abruption. These complications are rare. Find out more
More InformationHow to Make a Birth Plan
A birth plan is a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. You don't have to create a birth plan but, if you would like one, your midwife will be able to help
More InformationSigns That Labour Has Begun
Find out how to recognise the signs of labour, which can include contractions, a show, waters breaking, backache and needing the toilet
More InformationPremature Labour and Birth
Find out about premature labour and birth (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), and what you might expect if it happens
More InformationGiving Birth to Twins or More
What to expect when your twins or triplets are born, including your birth choices and what happens if your babies are premature
More InformationForceps or Vacuum Delivery
Find out about assisted birth or assisted delivery, which uses forceps or vacuum (ventouse) to help deliver the baby
More InformationWhere to Give Birth: The Options
Find out about your options for where to give birth: at home, in hospital or at a midwife-led (midwifery) unit. Learn more about which pain relief methods will be available
More InformationWhat Happens at the Hospital or Birthing Centre?
Find out when to call the hospital, midwife unit or midwife once labour starts, and when to go. Plus, what to expect when you get there, including examinations the midwife will carry out and what the delivery rooms are like
More InformationThe Stages of Labour and Birth
Find out what happens during labour and birth, including stages of labour, contractions, dilation, birth positions, monitoring your baby, speeding up labour, and active and physiological management of the third stage
More InformationPain Relief in Labour
Find out about the different methods of pain relief in labour, including self-help, gas and air, birth pools, pethidine,and epidural
More InformationWhat happens if your baby is breech?
Find out about baby positions before birth including breech.
More InformationTell Us You’re Pregnant
There are six NHS organisations in Sussex providing maternity care, you can register yourself directly using our self-referral page.